Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Color. Color, Color, Pretty Please!

Maybe it's because of the spring approaching, (you'd never know where we live but hey, patience is a virture right?) or it might be the bright summer clothes creeping into stores in which you think I love this but I can't wear it for another 3 months, or maybe it is just pure boredom.. who knows.. but this past week I have realized that most of my wardrobe is very color deprived. Of course everyone has a couple of those daring shirts tucked away in the back of your closet that you bought on vacation and thought would be a fun splurge, only to return to the states and realize you poke out like big bird at a funeral.
This my friends, is a howling shame.
Why can't people wear colors that pop and not feel self conscious? Who says that we have to submit to this long winter and allow it to suck our souls even more then it has already, ruining all the excitement and anticipation which is spring? I, Chelsea Lynn, stand here and now and say no more winter! I assault you from your dark & cold high horse and rebel against the black and gray. I say down with the blah of brown and tan, and let emerald & canary rise to her rightful platform! I will admit, I have many days here that I will look outside and desire only the comforts of my flannel and boots, (it is Logan, hate me for it!) but let's cast our eyes forward to the springtime and not look back or else be forsaken unto a pillar of salt.

Now, let's take some notes from our friends abroad, and be inspired for springtime and the colors and new trends it is to bring. (how I wish we as Americans would know how to wear color such as our foreign friends do.. but all things in their due time, I suppose.)

So, this may be a little extreme. Let's be realistic, its 30 degrees outside. But you can definately mix this up. Throw on some jeans and a chunky ring or headband & your golden. I wouldn't suggest the skirt in Utah, unless you desire to freeze..ahem.. everywhere. None the less, the color is just great.


Listen up, this is a pic to rep the guys. Upon further searching, I discovered this simple fact - Many guys don't wear very much color. Please prove me wrong. Now by all means the leopard stockings are a bit much, let's not get carried away here, but the blue jacket I do love and the little pops of color are so sweet.

Love this. Definitely want to rock the pink pink lips for spring! Also, I have been born again, into a huge fan of colored eye liner. Please bless your life with fun and get some. Sheer greens, electric blues and romantic purples are flattering on almost any eye color fo sho!



Please, look passed the fact that this is mischa barton. Can we talk about how much I love yellow and gray together? My friend wore a yellow cardigan this color the other day and she was glowing. So great. Yellow keds/vans as well? Yes, porfavor.


please love your life. I love everything about this picture.

That's all for now friends until I get my hands around a camera. Colors are fun, wear them & love your life.